enTECH × Focus for Ethnic Women
Curriculum for ImmigrantS to Canada


EnTECH was contacted by Focus for Ethnic Women, a local non-profit organization that supports immigrant and visible minority women in adjusting to life in the Waterloo Region. Focus asked if we would be able to create curriculum documents to support them starting a technology skills program, so that participants would obtain skills allowing them to obtain employment. These curriculum documents can be found in Google Doc format below, and can be downloaded as .docx or PDF documents for use.

The curriculum was designed based off of Mozilla’s 21st Century Skills framework, which categorizes web literacy skills needed for entry-level web literacy in the 21st century under three broad themes: Participate, Read and Write. Under each theme are four to five subthemes, which encompass the broad spectrum of skills required to fully engage with technology in 2019 and beyond. We are proud that throughout the 12 lessons, participants will encounter each of the themes and subthemes in a meaningful way, allowing them to develop as conscientious, thoughtful members of the online community. This curriculum assumes no prior experience with a computer.

This curriculum is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license
. You are able (and encouraged) to reuse and remix the content in the curriculum for any purpose you wish, however you must credit the source, must not use the material for commercial purposes, and you must share their content with the same license.


Week 1:

Introduction to Computer Hardware

Week 2:

Introduction to Computer Software

Week 3:

Searching Online

Week 4:

Introduction to Email

Week 5:

Connecting with Our Community

Week 8:

Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint

Week 9:

Connecting with the World on Social Media

Week 10:

Finding a Job

Week 11:

The Internet, On and Off the Computer

Week 12:

What Are Your Questions?

Curriculum for older adults

We are proud to present free, creative commons LICENSED lesson plans.

By providing access to these lesson plans, we hope to expand our reach and enable anyone wishing to provide technology instruction to seniors to do so. We have based our lessons off of Mozilla's 21st Century Skills, as we believe they provide a robust, comprehensive set of skills necessary to effectively use 21st century technologies. We will add more lessons as time goes on - we encourage you to check back here regularly!

As we use and test lessons and receive feedback about them, we will make changes to them, which will be reflected in the links below - please make sure to check back here to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version. We also greatly welcome feedback  - don't hesitate to contact us.  

The top link opens in Google Drive, compatible with all modern browsers, and allows the download of the documents as PDFs and editable Word files, both of which are printable. The bottom link opens as a website, ideal for browsing on the Web and on mobile.  Should you find yourself requiring assistance, please drop us a line!