The Bits & Bytes Computer Club is an organization in the KW community which is also focused on providing adults better understanding about computers and other advances in technology.
This past week, enTECH was invited as the monthly speaker to speak at the Bits & Bytes Computer Club. Colin Whaley, a co-founder of enTECH, presented on updates in technology involving Smart Home, new releases of smartphones, video streaming services and more. Additionally, Peter Hoang, from the School of Pharmacy, came in to provide information on the opioid crisis and current progress on the epidemic within the KW community.
If you are looking for more opportunities to get involved in the community, engage in small group learning to improve technology literacy and learn a multitude of other topics, we highly recommend joining the Bits & Bytes Computer Club! Information about the club can be found here:
Want EnTECH to speak or host an educational workshop at your organization? Reach out to us at!
Peter Hoang, from the School of Pharmacy, and VP of Admissions from EnTECH sharing information regarding the opioid crisis and current progress on the epidemic within the KW community.
For more information on The Bits & Bytes Computer Club upcoming events, and general inquiries, check out